Ariafee Sings in Code (A2)


Ariafee Sings in Code (A2)


Ariafee, the Singing Tooth Fairy, has written a new song to commemorate the loss of your child's tooth, but the lyrics are in code and need to be deciphered by your child first.

Key features of this tooth fairy letter adventure include:

  • 2 visits from Ariafee 
  • 2 days of fun and silliness
  • 6 pages of tooth fairy correspondence
  • 2 activities to involve your child
  • 1 tooth fairy certificate

This is the second tooth fairy letter in the Ariafee series, the follow-up to "Ariafee Tries to Sing." Letters are designed to be used in sequence for each fairy's series. 

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Following your purchase, you will be emailed a link to a digital download. Before printing, letters and certificates can both be personalized with your child's name.

Most tooth fairy letters involve your child in some activity. The tooth fairies might ask your child to write a letter in response, answer a question, draw a picture, follow some clues, put words in order, perform an activity, make a choice, etc.

All tooth fairy letters come with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you or your child are unsatisfied with your tooth fairy letter experience, submit a refund request within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your purchase price in full.