Ariafee Tries to Sing (A1)

Ariafee Tries to Sing Tooth Fairy Letter
Ariafee Tries to Sing Tooth Fairy Letter

Ariafee Tries to Sing (A1)


Ariafee, the Singing Tooth Fairy, tries to sing your child a song and snores instead. Mortified, she seeks out Dr. Say-ahh-fee, who prescribes treatment to make the words to her song come out in a most unusual way. But it's only with the help of your child that the song finally makes sense.

Key features of this letter adventure include:

  • 2 visits from Ariafee over 2 nights
  • 7 pages of tooth fairy correspondence
  • 1 activity to involve your child
  • 1 tooth fairy certificate
  • Ability to personalize with your child's name

This is the first tooth fairy letter in the Ariafee series. (And it's free, because a tooth fairy's first visit is on us! So if you don't need any other letters at this time, skip the checkout process and instantly pull up this letter now.)

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Letters are designed to be used in sequence for each fairy's series. Continue Ariafee's interactions with your child in "Ariafee Sings in Code" or get both of her tooth fairy letters in the "Ariafee Letter Bundle."

You do need to go through the checkout process to get this letter, but your credit card will not be charged. Upon completion, you will be emailed a link to a digital download.  If you are not getting any other letters at this time, you can skip the checkout process and instantly download this letter here.

Before printing, letters and certificates can both be personalized with your child's name.

Most tooth fairy letters involve your child in some activity. The tooth fairies might ask your child to write a letter in response, answer a question, draw a picture, follow some clues, put words in order, perform an activity, make a choice, etc.

All tooth fairy letters come with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. If you or your child are unsatisfied with your tooth fairy letter experience, submit a refund request within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your purchase price in full. 

If your child's tooth has not yet fallen out, and time permitting, start them off with the free Loose Tooth Letter Bundle before using these letters. The loose tooth letters introduce our tooth fairies and set up the prospect of fun to come.